Patients that are good candidates for this surgery are those that have been pregnant and/or lost a lot of weight.

Stretching of the abdominal wall can cause the rectus abdominis muscles to spread apart. The rectus abdominis is a the muscle that is responsible for the six-pack appearance of a well toned abdomen and it can be brought back together at the same time as a tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck

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The different types of tummy tuck available

More information about the different types and modifications/variations of the tummy tuck is below:

A full tummy tuck involves removal of the skin and fat from the umbilicus (belly-button) to the pubic bone (the area where the scar for a Caesarian section normally sits).

The remaining skin from the belly-button to the rib cage is then stretched down to close the defect. At the beginning of the operation, the belly button is freed up from the surrrounding skin and at the end of the operation, it is replaced in its natural position.

This leaves a scar around the belly-button as well as a long scar in the lower abdomen usually from one hip to the other, although this can be hidden when wearing a bikini. Not all patients are candidates for a full tummy tuck as there needs to be a significant amount of skin laxity to be able to bring the skin from the belly-button down to the pubis.

Patients with only a modest amount of skin excess in the lower abdomen may be best suited to a mini tummy tuck.

A mini tummy tuck is the ideal operation if you have excess or saggy skin in your lower abdomen following childbirth or weight loss.

This skin excess is usually resistant to all forms of exercise or dieting. It can be very frustrating to have lost the weight and to still have a lower abdominal fullness, or paunch, no matter how much exercise you do.

The main problem is excess skin rather than fat. It loses its elastic recoil and no amount of dieting or exercise will cause it to shrink back. Surgery, in the form of a mini tummy tuck, will remove the excess skin but it will leave a scar.

The scar is shorter than in a full tummy tuck and will be hidden in a bikini.
There is no scar around the belly button following mini tummy tuck but the belly button may be pulled down a bit.

A Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck is a more extensive procedure than a full tummy tuck. It is best suited to patients who have a significant amount of excess tissue around their abdomen.

It has the advantage of removing tissue in a vertical as well as a horizontal direction but it has the disadvantage of extra scarring and potential wound healing problems.

A full tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck removes tissue in a horizontal direction leaving a transverse scar in the bikini line.

In order to remove tissue in a vertical direction, then a vertical scar is needed, which goes straight up the middle of the abdomen and meets the transverse scar to make an inverted T shape. This vertical scar cannot be hidden in a bikini and it can bring with it more wound healing problems, particularly where the two scars meet.

For these reasons, it is usually reserved for patients who have had massive weight loss either through dieting or bariatric surgery (gastric banding or bypass procedures).

A Reverse Tummy Tuck tackles fullness in the upper abdomen and leaves a scar that runs in the inframammary fold (the fold in which the wire of a bra sits).

It is usually reserved for people with a significant amount of redundant skin on the abdomen and is performed following a standard tummy tuck procedure. The two procedures cannot be performed at the same time and a minimum of six months is needed before considering a reverse tummy tuck following full tummy tuck.

Any excess skin in the upper abdomen is usually pulled down during a full tummy tuck and so a reverse tummy tuck is only rarely required.

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Some words from our patients

“I am totally astounded at the result of my operation even at this very early stage. When I looked in the mirror I burst into tears it was the most miraculous sight almost as if you had taken hold of a giant eraser and rubbed out the awful belly overhang/pouch. I cannot thank you enough, this has totally changed me and made me feel so happy I cannot stop grinning! Life changing.”

Words by SS
Procedure: Tummy Tuck

“It was brilliant from start to finish. Mr Staiano was so helpful and caring and advised my treatment. The after care is also really good. Any problems or queries are answered by the staff at the surgery straightaway or with a returned phone call. I would definitely recommend Staiano Plastic Surgery rather than some of the more advertised ones. Brilliant job.”

Words by AM
Procedure: Tummy Tuck & Liposuction

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of the care and attention you’ve shown me throughout my ‘Mummy Makeover’ journey. From my first enquiry and consultation your care has been apparent. It was such a big part for me when choosing my surgeon and you all absolutely lived up the Staiano ethos and delivered. Thank you so much for the first time in nearly 20 years I feel like me again.”

Words by BC
Procedure: Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck information and advice

A tummy tuck is a relatively major undertaking and should not be considered lightly. You will need to consider all of the potential pitfalls and downsides and weigh these against the benefits before making a decision.  You should consider the inevitable scarring, the downtime and recovery period, the risk of complications and the cost. It is not for everyone, but in the right patient, it can be life-changing. Read more commonly asked questions below and further information on the tummy tuck surgery.

If you have had children or lost weight and you feel that you have loose skin around your tummy, then a tummy tuck may help.

Having cosmetic surgery is always going to be a very personal decision and ultimately only one that you can make.  Here at The Staiano Clinic, we are doctors first and we will advise you whether you would be a good candidate for surgery and explain the limitations and complications that are associated with the procedure.

There is never any pressure and we encourage patients to come back for a second consultation to go over things and ensure that you get your questions answered.  We will help and guide you at every step of the way and regardless of your decision, we will support you and help you to make the right decision for you.

In a full tummy tuck, all of the skin from your belly button down to your pubic area, is removed. In order to be suitable for this, you need to have enough skin laxity that will allow us to stretch the skin you have from your belly button to your rib cage, all the way down to your pubic area. This will need to be assessed in the clinic.

  • If there is not enough skin laxity for a full tummy tuck, you may be a candidate for a mini tummy tuck.
  • If you are a smoker, then you will not be suitable for a tummy tuck as wound healing problems can be significant.
  • If you are not stable and comfortable with your weight, then you should not have a tummy tuck as weight fluctuations after surgery can have an unpredictable effect on the result.
  • If you are overweight, then you may not be suitable for a tummy tuck as the risk of complications is increased with increased weight. A guide of BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 is usually used. Other treatments such as Liposuction may be more beneficial to you if a tummy tuck is not suitable.

Certain medical conditions may increase your risks of anaesthesia and surgery, such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, immunosuppression, sickle cell disease, skin conditions affecting your abdominal skin and medication such as blood thinners and steroids.

We would usually liaise with the doctor treating your medical condition to assess your suitability for surgery. If you have any questions about this procedure then get in touch today on 0121 454 3680 or email [email protected].

It is often said that cosmetic surgery is not necessary and to a certain degree that is true. Having said that, it depends on what you mean by necessary. There are many operations that could be considered unnecessary in that they will have no effect on your life expectancies, such as hip replacements and cataract surgery. While they will not help you live any longer, they can have a dramatic effect on your quality of life, and tummy tuck very much falls into this category.

In fact, it is more effective than hip replacements and cataracts because it is usually performed for a younger age group and so they have more time to enjoy the benefits. The two reasons that most people ‘need’ a tummy tuck are following childbirth and weight loss because both these process have the same effect.

The skin is stretched during pregnancy or when you put on weight. Then the stretching force is removed by losing weight or delivering the baby. It is the redundant skin that is the problem and this creates an overhang that can be uncomfortable, unsightly and make it difficult to find clothes.

It is important to be stable and comfortable with your weight prior to a tummy tuck but weight loss in itself will not improve your situation, in fact it can make things worse by creating more redundant skin. Ultimately the skin needs to be tightened and this is most effectively done with a tummy tuck.

The incision for a full tummy tuck is made in the crease of your lower abdomen. If you have a scar from a Caesarean Section, then it is placed just below this so that the Caesarean scar is taken out with the surgery. The scar extends to the sides gently curving up towards your hip.

We aim for the scar to be hidden in your underwear or bikini but you may need to wear a wider band.  There is also a scar around the belly button that may be visible.  A mini tummy tuck has a scar in a similar position to a full tummy tuck, but it is shorter (usually just a little bit longer than a Caesarean scar) and there is no scar around the belly button.

A fleur-de-lys tummy tuck has a scar similar to a full tummy tuck with a vertical extension in the midline extending above the belly button.  A circumferential tummy tuck has a scar similar to a full tummy tuck but it extends all the way around your back to encircle your body.

The surgeons at The Staiano Clinic are all fully trained plastic surgeons who hold or have held substantive NHS Consultant posts. This means that they have the highest level of training in Plastic Surgery.

While we all work together, when you see a Consultant in the clinic, that will be your Consultant for the duration of your treatment.

Your Consultant will personally perform your surgery and will see you for all of you clinic appointments except your dressing clinic appointments which will be with the clinic nurse. We do not have any students or junior doctors at the clinic, so your care will be directly provided by your Consultant. Book a consultation today, call us at 0121 454 3680, or email [email protected].

Our Tummy Tuck Work

Preparing for a tummy tuck

A tummy tuck should be a considered operation and it is important to ensure that you are fully prepared.

Having an in-person consultation with a plastic surgeon is advised when preparing for a tummy tuck. They will be able to examine you and assess the quality of your tissues and give you an idea of what might be achieved with surgery.

It is good practice to spend time after your consultation weighing up the pros and cons and we encourage patients to have a period of consideration before coming back for a second consultation to go over everything and answer questions.

We offer our ‘clinic passport’ for those who wish to come back for multiple consultations to be sure they are fully prepared for the surgery. The clinic passport means once you have paid for the initial consultation, you will be welcome back to the clinic to go over things as often as you need, for no charge.

A tummy tuck should be planned for a time that is right for you. You need to think about your work and perhaps plan it around a quiet time, when you may be able to work from home in the early postoperative period.

You will need to wear a supportive abdominal binder for the first month after surgery and may want to consider the time of year you have your operation. For example, it might be uncomfortable to wear the binder throughout the summer.

You should avoid having surgery if you are going through a major life event. It is not uncommon for patients going through a divorce to decide that now is the time for a tummy tuck, however, this should be avoided. The recovery period can be stressful so ideally be in a stable emotional state before embarking on this surgery.

It is common for patients to seek a tummy tuck shortly after giving birth. This is understandable because you will be able to see how your skin has been stretched and you are likely to be on maternity leave. We offer other post-childbrith surgery proceedures such as the mummy makeover that may be more suitable.

Things to consider before getting a tummy tuck post childbirth

It is not uncommon to put on weight during pregnancy and it can take some time to lose this weight. It is important to lose weight prior to your tummy tuck because weight loss after surgery could leave redundant hanging skin that could have been tightened if you had lost weight first.

Your body will have gone through a lot during the pregnancy and birth and you will be in a naturally hypercoagulable state where your blood will have an increased tendency to clot. This means that you will be at an increased risk of DVT and PE which are serious complications that can be associated with tummy tucks.

You should ideally avoid future pregnancies after a tummy tuck as your skin will stretch again. It may not be the best time to decide whether you want to have more children in the immediate post partum period.

You will need to carry and lift your baby in the first year until they will be able to start walking. This might be difficult and uncomfortable if you have a tummy tuck within this time.

Your stomach muscles and skin will naturally recoil and tighten in the first few weeks and months after delivery and you should let this process take place before deciding on whether you need surgery.

You will be in charge of a newborn baby and will have enough to do without having to worry about having surgery.

Our Tummy Tuck Process

1. Initial consultation

You will be invited for a consultation with one of our fully trained surgeons, where we will endeavor to answer any questions you may have.

2. Quote provided

A quote is then given for the surgery as well as information about the hospital where the surgery is performed.

3. Date in the diary

We will look for a suitable date in the diary and you will be able to secure this date with a £500 deposit.

4. Clinic passport

If the date is scheduled months in advance, we encourage you to come back to the clinic closer to the time. Your clinic passport means that you will have access to the clinic for any questions or concerns you may have.

5. Preadmission appointment

The week before your surgery date, you will have a preadmission appointment with the clinic nurse who will go over everything with you and make sure you are prepared for surgery.

6. Pre-op advice

The hospital will then contact you with your admission time and advice about when you can eat and drink before the surgery.

7. The big day

On the day of your surgery, you will be asked to come to the hospital an hour or two prior to your theatre slot time.

8. Getting comfortable

You will be shown to your private room and you will see your surgeon and anaesthetist prior to your operation to make sure you are comfortable with everything.

9. Pre-op photographs

You will have preoperative photographs taken if they have not been taken before and your surgeon will make their preoperative markings on you before you go down to theatre.

10. Surgery commences

After some final checks, you will be taken down to the operating theatre and you will have your surgery.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

1. Recovery and rest

You will wake up from your surgery in the recovery room. You will be sitting up and your knees will be bent to take the tension off your abdomen. They will make sure that you are comfortable in the recovery area before bringing you back to your private room where you will be able to rest.

2. Monitored

Your surgeon will see you to ensure you are comfortable and you will be looked after by the nursing team.

3. Overnight stay

There is normally an overnight stay in the hospital and you will be reviewed again in the morning to ensure you are fit to be discharged home. You will have been given a postoperative instruction sheet with advice and emergency contact numbers.

4. Dressings removed

You will be followed up by the clinic nurse who will make an appointment for you to come back to have your dressings removed usually around a week after your operation date.

5. Supportive binder applied

You will be put into a supportive binder in the operating theatre and this will stay on for the first month to help with the swelling.

6. Slowly increase activities

You will be walking hunched over and feel uncomfortable for the first week or two. After two weeks, you will start to feel more comfortable and increase your activities.

7. Return to work

If you have a desk-based job, you should be able to go back to work after 2-3 weeks.

8. Resume normal activities

You will be able to resume normal activities after 6 weeks, although you should start slowly and build up.

9. Back to your best

Things usually start to settle by around 3 months and it can take 6,12 or even 18 months for everything to fully settle.

Tummy Tuck Aftercare

We feel that your aftercare is as important as your surgery, so we have measures in place to ensure that you have access to help and support throughout your postoperative period and beyond.  Our clinic nurse will be in touch with you by phone to ensure that you have got home safely and are comfortable and will answer any questions.

Your dressing clinic appointment is normally held at a week, but we will be on hand to see you at any time if you have a concern about your surgery.  We will also give you a 24 hour number to call if you have any urgent concerns after hours.

We will keep in touch with you in whatever way you prefer. Some patients like to rest quietly at home, and prefer not to have any contact. Others like to keep in touch by text or WhatsApp, while some prefer to email. You can also keep in touch through our social media channels and our director, JJ Staiano, does a live Q&A every Tuesday at 7pm on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

We offer a comprehensive follow-up schedule for our patients so that you can be sure that we will stay by you to make sure that you get the best result possible.  As well as your routine follow-up schedule, we will keep in touch with you by phone, video calls or in-person visits to the clinic for as long as you need to ensure that you feel looked after.