Breast Implants
The reputation of the UK plastic surgery industry has suffered in recent years. Much of the industry has been led by commercial clinics who have put profit before patients. I believe it is time for a national brand in plastic surgery that stands for transparency, accountability and priortising the patient’s experience over profit.
JJ Staiano
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the fantastic result I have had, it has made such a difference to my sense of wellbeing and confidence.”
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the fantastic result I have had, it has made such a difference to my sense of wellbeing and confidence.”
Happy International Women’s Day from The STAIANO Clinic! #InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay2025 #StianoClinic #Empowerment #Equality
#AskJJ What happens if my lipoma returns after having it removed? JJ talks about what happens if my
#AskJJ How long does a scar take to heal after having a Mole, Cyst or Lipoma removed? JJ
The flowers at the Staiano Clinic garden are in full bloom. #StaianoClinic #garden #flower #beautiful #spring
#AskJJ Do we offer treatment for Rosacea? JJ talks about whether we offer treatment for Rosacea. ✉️Send Us
#AskJJ Can we remove a Pilonidal Sinus? JJ talks about whether we can remove a Pilonidal Sinus. ✉️Send
JJ removes a forehead lipoma in our See & Treat clinic. #LipomaRemoval #StaianoClinic #ExpertCare #plasticsurgeon #seeandtreat #fulltrainedplasticsurgeon
#AskJJ Can we remove a Lipoma via Liposuction? JJ talks about whether we can remove a lipoma via
#AskJJ Do we offer non-incision Pinnaplasty? JJ talks about whether we offer non-incision Pinnaplasty. ✉️Send Us A Photo
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