Entries by admin@staiano

When can I go back to work after surgery?

 The major surgery which we do at the Staiano Clinic, such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lifts, gynaecomastia and tummy tucks have a dramatic effect on your body both physically and mentally and you should allow enough time to recover from them. Surgery often involves tightening or stretching the skin, so it can feel […]

Cosmetic Surgery App aimed at children

Cosmetic Surgery App aimed at children   I have read today about an App that has been made that is aimed at children https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/plastic-surgery-girls-children-liposuction-nose-job-lip-filler-double-eyelid-surgery-body-image-a8270041.html This is very worrying and is part of a growing trend to sensationalise plastic and cosmetic surgery. I have a 13 year old daughter and I feel her pain and insecurities […]

Why We Don’t Do The Internal Bra Mastopexy

The problem with mastopexy …and why the internal bra mastopexy is good The biggest problem we have with mastopexy (breast lift) is maintaining stable upper pole fullness in the breast. This is because over time natural tissues will always tend to sag and descend, and so whilst when you first do a mastopexy you can achieve […]

Tuberous breast deformity

Tuberous Breast Deformity   Tuberous breast deformity is a term that I see quite a lot, particularly on blogs and forums. It is used as a label to encompass quite a wide range of breast deformities. Patients can get quite upset and anxious when they hear the term and think that there might be something […]

Is physical pain worse than psychological pain?

Is physical pain worse than psychological pain? I think we are living in a very privileged time and the standard of living for most people is very high. Food and shelter and basic human needs are catered for and most people are able to live with a good standard of health. When I look at […]

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

If you are thinking of a tummy tuck or liposuction, it might seem that they are poles apart in terms of downtime, scarring and price.  It is very common for people to come to the clinic requesting liposuction to their tummy, because let’s face it, most of us carry a little bit of extra fat […]

Treatment for Breast Asymmetry

Treatment for breast asymmetry   All patients have a degree of breast asymmetry to a greater or lesser extent and when performing a breast reduction or a breast augmentation it is often possible to correct minor degrees of asymmetry, but we always warn people that there will be some residual asymmetries as it is quite […]